Opportunity: Lambda Sigma BoA

Duties of the Lambda Sigma BoA Vice-Chairman:

  • He must be a Lambda Sigma alumnus.

  • He will be knowledgeable of the TKE and Chapter risk management guidelines and be ready to answer any questions regarding the same.

  • He shall be the official spokesperson for the Chapter for any risk management issues or advise the Chapter Advisor with the appropriate protocol to manage the situation.

  • He shall have regular email or verbal correspondence with the Active Chapter Vice-President.  He will provide advice, guidance, and moral support to this Executive Board officer.

  • He shall assist in recruiting BOA members and follow appropriate procedures to remove those who do not fulfill their responsibilities.

  • He shall review all contractual documentation with the BOA and the Active Chapter Executive Board members as necessary to maintain the Lambda Sigma Chapter Corporation.

  • He maintains and revises BOA Bylaws and provides copies of the same to all members.

  • He shall assume the powers and duties of the Chairman in his absence or inability to serve.


For more information, please contact Tyler Nadwairski at nadwairski1@gmail.com or Jamie Martin at jamie.martin1030@gmail.com

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