General Description:
The Epi-Prytanis supports the Prytanis in all activities. Also, is responsible for the updates of all By-laws, Policies, procedures, and record keeping activities as they relate to any and all initiatives undertaken by the Association. Perform all duties of the Prytanis in his absence.
Specific Duties:
- Review and update the Associations’ By-Laws annually including any relevant policies, procedures, stated initiatives and programs. Update the Association Cloud Account with relevant documents in a timely fashion.
- Coordinate the activities of any and all committees established by the Association.
- Perform the duties of Prytanis when required.
- Provide assistance in planning and executing Alumni Association events.
- Perform oversight on all website related concerns and social media activity.
- Attend monthly Association Board of Directors Meetings.
- Communicate in an effective and timely manner with all BOD Members and the General Alumni membership.
Please contact Sean Crater at if you’re interested in this role.