UPDATE: As of December 4th We have reached our fundraising goal for fiscal 2014 of $8000 with over 50 individual Fraters contributing to the effort. Fraters going all the way back to #84 Butch Estey through some of our most recent graduates made this possible. THANK YOU DONORS!! Our 2014 fundraising goal of $8000 is within reach. With the help of 46 Fraters we have raised over $7100 for fiscal year 2014. If you haven’t donated this year and would like to support our Association and Scholarship fund please consider a donation before the end of the year. Funds raised help us better support the Lambda Sigma Chapter with a Scholarship program that has 2 named awards available to Chapter members each year. We award these Scholarships each year at our annual Alumni Reunion and Meeting in Keene NH. The next awards meeting is on March 28th 2015. Your financial contributions are truly appreciated and help make the Lambda Sigma TKE Chapter the best Alumni supported Fraternity at Keene State College. https://lstke.com/fundraisers/ls-tke-alumni-association/